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* Shows some information about important exec-lists:
  - Devices
  - Interrupts
  - Libraries
  - Memory
  - Ports (MessagePorts)
  - Resources
  - Semaphores
  - Tasks (and Processes)
  - Vectors for reset-resident programs
  Use the first character of one of them as argument.
* The output means:
  - Adress: hexadecimal start adress of the structure
  - Pri   : Priority, often unused
  - Ver   : Number of version  (only with D,L,R)
  - Rev   : Number of revision (only with D,L,R)
  - Name  : Name
  - State : Task state (only with T)
  - SignWait : Signals, a waiting task waits for (only with T)
  - PT    : Pr means Process, Ta means Task, Tm means Task with
            Messageport like Process     (only with T)
* If displaying the tasklist, the CLI-number (-> CLI ?:) and the
  loaded command will be shown at processes with cli-structure.
  ">" stands for output-redirected, "<" for input-redirected.
  "Bg-CLI" means background CLI.
* SHOW V displays some important execbase pointers, which give a
  good indication of whether a virus is present in your system.
  WarmCapture, CoolCapture, ColdCapture, KickTagPtr, KickMemPtr,
  and KickCheckSum are displayed. If any of these are are NOT
  zero, then either a virus, RAD, or virus protector or some
  other program that takes control of your machine when you
  reset, is present.

eg.     show d          {have a look at the device-list}
        show Devices    {same as above}
        show t          {This is REAL MULTITASKING ! :) }